Sunday, 27 December 2009

Wish List!

For christmas I received Topshop vouchers and money, as well as some new exciting items of clothing :)
I decided today I would go through all the sales rush to see if I could find any new exciting things. Armed with my christmas money and my mum we hit York! Not knowing what exactly I wanted I didn't think I would find anything worth while but I was wrong. Returning home with a white long sleeved lace bodice from Ark for only £11.99! A t.shirt from Topshop covered in tiny Eiffel Towers which is really cute for £20 :) (and looking around Topshop and many other high street stores I see the Paris, feminine, pearl - my favourite! lady like, glamorous, embroidered items are a new favourite trend of mine). I also purchased a cute black button up top from Topshop which is perfect to be worn with any skirt which is ONLY £7 in the sale! I will admit I am an individual who does sercetly like a few Jack Wills items and picked up some nice lounge/p.j pants in the sale for £44 which I cant wait to have a night in now and wear!
Lastly my most favourite piece, an embroidered knitwear cardigan from Topshop. It is soooooo nice and feel this will be featured in many of my outfits. I'm excited to wear it now!

Fashion is a huge weakness of mine whether I really need something or not if i like it it is bought!


Over the summer with all my spare time I got a slight addiction to the Hills!
Before I had only ever seen an odd episode here and there on MTV, however I went and purchased the box sets. I LOVED them! The Hills is a lifestyle of one of my dreams, to live, work and socialise like the girls on there is something i would anything for! As well as having a small crush on Brody!
Lauren Conrad and Whitney Ports interns at Teen Vogue working behind the scenes at catwalks etc is something i would love to be able to experience and have such a hands on job like! They lead amazing lives which every female would swap anything for! Once watching the first episode of a box set I would have soon watched them all!
Even though it a tv program the knowledge and understanding it informed me of how a fashion intern with Teen Vogue can work and experience and opportunities you can achieve from such a position is only pushing me on further. Encouraging me to make sure my CV and covering letter is amazing, hoping that one day I will be like them!

Miss Cheryl Cole

Due to a LARGE work load I haven't had the time to blog recently, but I am going to make up for it over this Christmas break!
Cheryl Cole, quite a new idol of mine that I look up to for her style and until the other weekend loved every weekend for the Xfactor show waiting to see what she wore next. Along with the rest of the UK a new found love for Cheryl Cole and her amazinggg style is wide spread!
Her performance on one of the first live shows was amazing! I will admit i have re-watched it numerous times she did soo well. Her military outfit was soooo nice and suited her well. Along with her second performance for it on the Children In Need show at the Royal Albert Hall and the Night in with Cheryl Cole show, all three times she was pretty amazing. Her dancing routine is also very good wish i could dance like her!

She has come every girls idol!
